What is Brainspotting?

What if there was a rapid and effective way to clear all of the imprints of stress and trauma from your system?

What if your body, when thinking about traumatic experiences, felt a sense of power, strength, and possibility?

What if, instead of feeling weighed down by the past, your body felt able to consistently and reliably access peace and joy?

How would your sense of self shift? How would you relationships change? How would your dreams and expectations for life be different?

Where You Look Affects How You Feel

Have you noticed that, when talking about something upsetting or important, your eyes look towards a fixed point? That’s a “brainspot.” It’s a location in the visual field where your eye position accesses a specific feeling or sensation.

Because of how the retina, in the eyes, connects to the central nervous system and vagus nerve, your eye position activates the issue, within the brain and its associated neural networks. As you hold that “brainspot,” the brain and body process the traumatic memories that were previously frozen in survival mode.

Brainspotting theorizes that holding this eye position allows you to access older and more primitive regions of the brain that talk therapy can’t reach. This is because talk therapy and the mental understanding it cultivates involve the newest part of the brain, the neocortex.

But trauma doesn’t route through the thinking, logical brain. It’s associated with the stress response, which is part of the evolutionarily much older midbrain and brainstem.

You can harness where you look, in the visual field, to process and reorganize trauma and stress — including the symptoms of PTSD, CPTSD, anxiety, depression, panic, and OCD.

My Personal Experience with Brainspottting

Brainspotting has changed my life and my work. I’ve done my own trauma healing work for decades but I was always left with a faint residue of the experience in my body. I figured that the last 5-10% was maybe always going to be there, and I should focus with gratitude on the 90-95% that I’d healed.

As it turns out, I was wrong about that.

From my first Brainspotting session, I was amazed at how my body responded to the modality. I had experienced somatic release in other methodologies, but this was gentler, and I remained more present and embodied. At the end of the session, I felt a space and openness inside that I had never experienced before.

My mind had no idea what happened, but the way my body felt was undeniably different — and good.

In the days and even weeks afterwards, I no longer felt that familiar twinge of pain or despair, whenever I thought of the issue I’d worked on. The space inside not only lasted — it grew into peace and joy I can access at any moment.

I continue to receive regular Brainspotting sessions and benefit greatly. And it’s my honor and privilege to share this work.

Online Brainspotting Sessions

I offer Brainspotting sessions as part of my trauma healing work for people with PTSD, CTPSD, anxiety, depression, panic, and OCD symptoms.

I also offer standalone Brainspotting sessions for people who want to explore it as a performance-enhancing modality or do specific, short-term work on an issue.

If you’re curious and want to explore more, please reach out. I’ll send you an information package and we can continue the conversation from there.

Read More:

Brainspotting vs. EMDR

Healing Anxiety, Panic Attacks, and OCD

More about Brainspotting…